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Special thanks to tic for the translation

Rasvjeta je logička zagonetka jednostavnih pravila i izazovnih rješanja.

Pravila su jednostavna. Rasvjeta se igra na kvadratnoj mreži. Mreža se sastoji od crnih i bijelih kvadratića. Cilj je postaviti žarulje na mrežu tako da su svi bijeli kvadratići osvijetljeni. Kvadratić je osvijetljen ako je u istom redu ili stupcu kao i žarulja i ako nema crnih kvadratića između njih. Također, ni jedna žarulja ne smije osvjetljavati drugu žarulju.
Neki crni kvadratići sadrže brojeve. Broj pokazuje koliko žarulja dijeli stranicu s tim kvadratićem.
Lijevi klik postavlja žarulju. Još jedan klik označava X.

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We are on a mission to make this website the largest collection of free, playable puzzles on the web. We are constantly adding new puzzle types, features, and improvements.

It is so exciting that you are interested in joining our community of puzzle-loving patrons! As a patron you will get some goodies in return (applies for all games):

  • The ads will disappear. The site will load faster as a result.
  • You will be able to go back 30 daily, 10 weekly and 5 monthly special puzzles.
  • A tempting "Give Up" button will appear, which will test your resistance, and eventually show the puzzle solution if you happen to click on it.
  • Some personal statistics and charts (under construction)
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(most patrons choose $2 or more)
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(most patrons choose $15 or more)

Minimum contribution: Monthly: $1; Annual: $10

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